a flight attendant began checking the cabin before take off.
a guy asked her.. " please remind my girlfriend to take her heart pills, she's in business class seat #8"
the attendant assured the guy to do so. after take off, she approached the girl in seat #8.
"miss, remember to take your heart pills"
girl "how did you know that i have a heart complication?"
attendant " your boyfriend told me to remind you"
then the girl cried.
attendant "is there something wrong?"
girl" my boyfried is dead.. his body is in this plane, i will bring him home to his family"
ciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat !! *toeeeeeeeeeeng! #salahgaul. LOL
no dear ! just take care of your heart, cause its my home is. *stupid*
you know that feeling? when you are just waiting to get home into your room, close the door, fall into bed. just let everything out that you kept in all day. that feeling of desperation. you are tired. tired of everything, tired of nothing. you just want someone to be there and tell you it is okay. but none is going to be there. yu know you have to be strong for yourself,because no one can fix it. but you are tired,tired of being strong. for once you just want it to be easy. to be simple. to be helped. to be saved. but you know you wont be. but youre still hoping, still wishing, and you are saying strong and fighting woth tears in your eyes.you are fighting
we were supossed to be 'best friend forever', well i guess you forget about the 'forever' part. :(
you just dont know how it feels when you give us some your treatment cause you're mad. i know it was hurt, one million of words sorry couldnt even fix it anymore, but we've tried the best we can do for you. i dont wanna lose you, my best friend ever
Boy: Hey, hun!
Girl: Hey.
Boy: I missed you at school today. Why weren't you there?
Girl: Yeah, I had to go to the doctor.
Boy: Oh really? Why?
Girl: Oh, nothing. Just some annual shots, that's all.
Boy: Oh.
Girl: So what did you guys do in Math today?
Boy: You didn't miss anything that great, just a lot of notes.
Girl: Okay, good.
Boy: Yeah.
Girl: Hey, I have a question to ask.
Boy: Okay, ask away.
Girl: How much do you love me?
Boy: You know I love you more than anything in this world.
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: Why did you ask?
Girl: *silence*
Boy: Is something wrong?
Girl: No. Nothing at all. Um. How much do you care about me?
Boy: I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could.
Girl: You would?
Boy: Yeah of course I would. *sounding worried* Is there something wrong?
Girl: No, everything's fine.
Boy: Are you sure?
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: Okay. I hope so.
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: I would take a bullet for you any day, hun.
Girl: Really?
Boy: Any day. Now, seriously, is there something wrong?
Girl: No, I'm fine. You're fine. We're fine. Everyone and everything is fine.
Boy: Okay.
Girl: Well, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school.
Boy: Alright, bye. I love you!
Girl: Yeah. I love you too. Bye.
Boy: Hey, have you seen my girlfriend today?
Friend: No.
Boy: Oh.
Friend: She wasn't here yesterday, either.
Boy: I know. She was acting all weird on the phone last night.
Friend: Well, dude, you know how girls are sometimes.
Boy: Yeah, but not her.
Friend: I don't know what else to say, man.
Boy: Okay, well I gotta get to English. I'll see ya after school.
Friend: Yeah I gotta get to Science. Later.
Girl: Hello?
Boy: Hey.
Girl: Oh, hey.
Boy: Why weren't you at school today?
Girl: Uh, I had another appointment with the doctor.
Boy: Are you sick?
Girl: Um, I have to go. My mom’s calling on the other line.
Boy: I’ll wait.
Girl: It may take a while. I’ll call you later.
Boy: Alright. I love you.
-very long pause-
Girl: *with a tears in her eyes* Look, I think we should break up.
Boy: What?!
Girl: It’s the best thing for us right now.
Boy: Why?
Girl: I love you.
Boy: Hey dude.
Friend: Hey.
Boy: What’s up?
Friend: Nothing. Hey, have you talked to your ex lately?
Boy: No.
Friend: So you didn’t hear?
Boy: Hear what?
Friend: Um, I don’t know if I should be the one to tell you…
Boy: Dude, just tell me!
Friend: Uh. Call this number, 433-555-3468.
Boy: Okay, thanks!
Voice: Hello, Suppam County Hospital. This is Nurse Victoria.
Boy: Uh, I must have the wrong number. I’m looking for my friend.
Voice: What is their name, sir?
*boy gives info*
Voice: Yes, this is the right number. She’s one of our patients here.
Boy: Really? Why? What happened? How is she?
Voice: Her room number is 646 in building A, suite 3.
Voice: Please come by, sir, and you can see her. Goodbye.
Boy: WAIT! NO!
Boy: Oh my God, are you okay?
Girl: *silence*
Boy: Dear, talk to me!
Girl: I..
Boy: You what?
Girl: I have cancer and I’m on life support.
Boy: *breaks into tears*
Girl: They're taking me off tonight.
Boy: Why?
Girl: I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t .
Boy: Why didn’t you tell me?
Girl: I didn’t want to hurt you.
Boy: You could never hurt me.
Girl: I just wanted to see if you felt about me the same as I felt about you.
Boy: Huh?
Girl: I love you more than anything. I would give you the world in a heartbeat. I would die for you and take a bullet for you.
Boy: *crying*
Girl: Don’t be sad. I love you and I’ll always be there with you.
Boy: Then why did you break up with me?
Nurse: Young man, visiting hours are over.
The boy leaves and later that night the girl is taken off of life support and dies, but what the boy didn’t know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time. She only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks left to live and thought that it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.
The boy is found dead with a gun in one hand and a note in the other.
“I told her that I would take a bullet for her, just like she said she would die for me.”
he's not the only guy in the universe, but he's the only one that matters
and.. thinking of you makes my world look like a fairytale
you : the first thing i thought of everymorning and the last thing that stays on my mind everynight
A : "are you still mad at me?"
B : "no."
A : "are you sure?"
B : "i was never mad at you."
A : " what were you?"
B : "hurt."
haaaaaailooooooooooo..... :D
serasa sudah berabad abad yang lalu wa gangisi ke-goblogan- wa di sini (nyampah.red), there are some reasons why, first : i forgot my pass is and second: i was crush with tumblr now. uuuu i m so so so so so sorry to you my blogger (my first sign where i used to threw my trash.red) LOL *snap* i've been forgeting youuuuu
anyway, i'll keep posting there (thumblr.red) and these (blog.red) *geje* *tabok*. theeeeen ? what am i suppose to write? i dont even know whats in my mind, *sigh*
okeeeeeeeeeey ??
hassssssssssh pusying nih wa, yakin, suweeeer.
baiklah ! wa iseng nih mau ngoceh (hasssssh) so, this is it
malam udah larut banget woi, biasanya manusia manusia udah pada tidur terlelap, dan para maling udah mulai beraksi *please deh luuuh -____- * *LOL, kicked me* nah wa masih berkutat dengan segala tab tab mozilla wa dengan berbagai situs wa buka, dari sosial network sampek sosial network lagi, jangankan laptop, bahkan bb wa pun udah kecium bau timah kebakar (dan wa masih ga nyadar *tabok* ) oke kembali ! nah, wa buka tuh yang namanya fb, twitter, tumblr,youtube, 4shared, dan segala macem. pas itu wa konsen ama fb (hare geneee gapunya fb?? beuuuuh bagaikan abad 211 gapunya hape boook ! kaga gahoool! *kicked*). oke kembali !
jadi gini, wa ini ngikutin suatu kegiatan ekstrim dismansa (sekolahan wa.red) ekstreem? kok ekstreeem? ya pokoknylah, gimana gak ekstreeem coba, kegiatan positif udah asik menyenangkan ilmu nyampek kesenian oke cinta budaya indonesia apalagi mau jadi artis? gampang! pinter musik ? bisa ! mau nari ? keciiiil ! apa ?? TEATER dooong ! emng sih wa baru masuk kelas dua ini, tapi udah banyak proses yang wa laluin bersama anak anak teater yang solid ! :D LOYALITAS MENGHARGAI TANGGUNG JAWAB ! masih terngiang waktu wa diklat disalah satu kaki gunung (wa lupa lagi mavro) . apa coba yang bertambah dari diri wa setelah ikut menjadi bagian teater kosong? sepertinya otak wa semakin miring 0.00000001 derajat *garing* tapi wa ga nglucu, yakin, karena memang udah dari bawaan orok wa rada rada bego dan super lemot ditambah lagi wa sekarang kaya manusia stresss, aduuuuuw.
oke ! kembali kepermasalahan awal. di fb, teater kosong tu ya punya group, dan chatnya itu selalu aktif setiap saat,dan malam itu wa asik ngobrol ama temen temen wa di grup, tiba tiba temen wa yang tengil dan kemreteknya minta ampun kasih wa sebuah link, wa gatau itu link apa dan giman bentuknya, wa gatau dan sebenernya wa gamau tau, wa biarin link itu terbengkalai takada orang yang menatap *lebai*. tapi setelah beberapa detik berlalu, wa scroll keatas lagi kolom chatnya dan masih nemu link itu lagi !! aduh wa begooo apa tolol sih,yaaah namanya jga baru gaada kerjaan, link udah membujuk buat diklik, tanpa basa basi cuci piringwa klik deh tuh linknya, wa buka di tab baru, bujubuneg !!!
setengah menit wa pelototin apa yang muncul dilcd laptop-bego- kepunyaan bokap wa (laptop wa mendadak dangdut rusak -karena sering jatoh- jadi pake punya bokap *tabok*) ternyata ! TERNYATA ! TERNYATA ! TERNYATA APA SODARA SODARA ! TANPA WA SANGKA DAN TANPA DINYAYA LCD WA PENUH DENGAN GAMBAR DUA POCONG MENGERIKAN CLOSE UP ! OK mavroo !bisa gila semalam suntuk nih wa, demi apa *sigh* pocong unyu juga masih mending, nag ini pocong mengerikan dengan suara suara mengerikan pula. PARAHNYA !!!!! parahnya sodara sodara ku setanah air sebangsa, bangsa indonesia ! parahnya lagi.... tab tersebut wa tutupTIDAK BISA !! taukah kalian wahai sodara sodara ? jam 12 malam !!! jam tersebut !!! woooow ! betapa malang nasib saya sodara sodara...
banyak temen wa bilang, wa bego ! wa bego ! haaah ! lu kate gampang jadi wa, udah tau wa lemot dan rada terbelakangan mental, wa gabisa teriak teriak atau langsung lari kocar kacir abis liat gambar itu, wa cuma bisa..... wa bisa... wa bisa bengong dan memelototi gambar selama sekian detik lamanya, baru setengah menit kemudian wa menyadari akan kebpdohan wa, lalu BARU wa mencoba untuk ngeclose tab-sialan-tersebut. yang udah wa bilang, wa pencet gambar kotak merah ada tanda silang itu berkali kali, oh tidak beratus ratus kali, oh kurang mungking beribu ribu kali, tapi hasilnya? nihil ! *mampus lo * nihil... wa nyerah, akhirnya wa buka mozilla baru, dan otomatis tanpa tanya tetangga tetanggam tab sialan tersebuttertutup ! yeaaaah ! for gawdness sake !
wa mulai membuka lembaran lembaran hidup wa yang baru *ooops maaf* wa mulai membuka tab tab baru, fb, tumblr twitter, dan lain sebagianya. dan mulia mengoceh tidak jelas sama kawan wa yang tengil dan busuk itu (yang ngasih link.red)
"mbelgedeeeees !! kamu kasih link apa ke aku ! as* !! .." dan lain sebagainya,(sebagainya sumpah serapah maksut wa, LOL) wa gila bener, sompret !!!! rasanya wa pengen banget nyekek pemberi link sialan tersebut (apip.red)
daaan, setelah wa mengomel di chat group, tau apa yang terjadi sodara sodara, si apip sialan tersebut ngacir offline ! hassssssssh ! you'll get worse !! i sweer !!
untunglah sodara sodara sekalian sebangsa dan setanah air, ada beberapa kawan wa yang ikut prihatin dengan kondisi motorik psikologis dan kejiwaan wa, mereka memberi some ideas buat wa ngeclose link laknat tersebut tanpa lupa menertawakan hidup wa yang malang ! serasa wa jatuh lalu tertimpa tangga, lalu wa mencoba berdiri namun lantai licin sehingga wa terpeleset terglincir lagi dengan tangga ikut menjatuhi wa lagi. hassssssh berat kali hidup wa ini.
benar ! apip memang harus dihabisi, semalam suntuk wa gabisa tidur, wa cuma ngomnyang gajelas di twitter, tentang wa pengen bunuh si apip dan segalanya. ! lalu pada akhirnya, wa mencoba ngeclose tuh link laknat dengan task manager, wa end task, lalu hilang!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEES !!!!!! thanks GOD, berhasil! dan........ aku bahagia.........
lalu kemudian, wa membuka mozilla baru kembali, tau apa yang terjadi ???????? TAB TAB KEMBALI LAGI TERMASUK TAB DENGAN LINK LAKNAT TERSEBUT !! MAKJEGAGIK GAMBAR KEMBALI MUNCUL MENGHIASI LCD !!! SOMPREEEET!!! wa kembali panik dan wa mulai menggila kembali. bener bener apip harus mati *begitulah pikiranku*
begitu banyak hal hal yang terjadi pada malam itu, wa menjadi gila seketika, wa dibilang sama temen wa yang lain ms.lebae ! what the fudge !! muke gileee, wa nyante wa ga lebae, huuuu ! semprul ! dan begitubanyak sumpah serapah yang wa tulis, dan wa begoooo. dan wa ketawa begitu tau betapa kemreteknya si apip itu..hahaha wa bisa jadi gila lagi kalo inget, anywhy, this is it:
disemarang.. lomba teater...
apip menjadi tukang ngangak* properti, dan dia sedang menjalankan tugasnya bersama marmut.
apip: abote.. jan jan mbendina ngene bla bla bla ( beratnya yaampuuuun, tiap hare genee.... hassshs.. bla bla bla )
marmut : ..... (diam dan mencoba sabar)
apip : kok ra tekan tekan ya *sambil ngankat properti* (kok gak sampek sampek ya )
marmut :..... (masih diam dan tetap mencoba sabar)
apip : sik mas, istirahat sek mas (bentar mas, istirahat dulu la mas)
5 menit kemudiaaaaaa....
apip : keuseleee mas, sek tak leren sek mas (cuapeknyaaaa massss, bentar istirahat dulu)
marmut : ... (kembali mencoba sabar)
apip ngoceh lagi
apip : hassssh, ngapa ndadak munggah ning lantai telu ( hasssssssh, ngapain juga pake naik ke lantai tiga segala)
apip : ..... *bungkam seribu bahasa*
buahahahaha ! bagaimana, sangat sangat kemretek dan menyebalkan bukan kawanku satu itu. hahaha.